Cleaning after repair is a necessary event at the end of a great cause. However, it may be that you are already so tired of the repair, especially if you yourself took an active part in it. What to do if you simply don’t have the strength to clean up quickly. In this case, you should not postpone and extend the time for the event. Call a cleaning company and your apartment will be transformed in one day. Agree that cleaning after repair, removal of mounting foam is not such an easy task.It happens that the remnants of the mounting foam firmly eat into objects and the floor, and tearing them off becomes a real problem. You can easily and quickly remove the remaining foam with the help of plastic, an object that will not leave scratches on the surface.
As a rule, dried mounting foam is easily removed with a plastic spatula. If the foam falls on the floor or somewhere else when using it, then it is better not to touch it and let it dry naturally. This makes removing it much easier. Well, if you need to remove the foam while still damp, then a solvent will come to the rescue. Usually, when carrying out such work, you should take care of the cosmophane in advance, it will solve your problem. With the help of a cosmophane, the foam is easy to remove from the surface of the glass, it will help to wipe it off your hands, as it destroys its properties.
The speed and speed of cleaning in cleaning companies is achieved through a professional approach and equipment. As a rule, they have all these tools with them and they do not need to be told what to do and how to do it. They themselves know the best way to remove dirt so as not to damage the furniture. The only drawback is that you do not immediately indicate the cost, since the work plan is not yet known. Well, if you still don’t want to invest once again, then start cleaning with large debris.
First, do a black cleaning, remove dust and dirt, bricks and remnants of material. Then mop the floor clean. However, it should be understood that the first time and even the second, you will not be able to remove all the construction dirt. She will reappear.
After a week, it will be necessary to repeat the procedure, then you will achieve the ideal initial cleanliness of the furniture and the apartment. This cannot be avoided, but the spread of dust can be reduced by first insulating or covering objects with a special film. But still, it’s better than removing dust with a vacuum cleaner, there is no way. Companies have such equipment and with it you can not only remove dust residues, but also wash hard-to-reach places with high quality.