Chrysanthemums, pleasing our eyes throughout the autumn, are the subject of admiration not only for ourselves, but also for our friends and neighbors. By the way, there are about two hundred species of chrysanthemums, these are annual and perennial herbs. In nature, it is common in Eurasia and Africa.
What needs to be done so that these flowers delight us for a long time with their beauty, should they be dug out of the ground for the winter or just covered? Chrysanthemum rightfully deserves special treatment. For the peoples of the East, this flower is considered a symbol of longevity. The healing properties of this flower are also widely known in medical practice: dried chrysanthemum baskets are part of many tea collections.
Considering that everyone grows chrysanthemums in a flower bed without the use of chemicals, the use of these flowers for personal wellness purposes becomes obvious. Caring for the queen of the autumn garden is very simple. These flowers are able to tolerate frosts reaching minus 16 degrees. They are undemanding to the soil, they grow calmly on clay soil. Chrysanthemum should be watered abundantly, two to three times a week, it is also recommended to spray the leaves with settled water. The only condition for the successful development of a plant should be the absence of stagnant water, which, by the way, is the sin of clay soils. To solve this problem, you need to make the flower bed high enough. When purchasing seedlings in a store, you need to ask what latitudes these seedlings are grown for. If the plants you purchase are frost-resistant, then they do not require special attention to themselves and will calmly overwinter in a flower bed. If the variety of chrysanthemums is thermophilic, then for the winter it will have to be dug up and kept in a flower pot at home until spring at a low temperature (from fifteen to eighteen degrees).
For transplanting chrysanthemums, it is necessary to prepare a soil mixture suitable for it. For this purpose, the following components are mixed: turf soil, leaf soil, garden or garden soil, peat, humus, compost, charcoal, sand are added. At the very bottom of the flower pot, expanded clay or small pebbles are poured as drainage. Currently, there is no great need to prepare the soil mixture on your own, since ready-made soil substrates can be purchased in flower shops.
Circumcision will be very useful for chrysanthemums. After the flowers wither, the plant is pruned. From this procedure, the chrysanthemum grows, delighting us in the future with very abundant flowering. With the onset of cold weather before frosts, all varieties of chrysanthemums must be cut and securely covered.
This is not difficult to do at all: the cut bush is first watered abundantly, all the weeds are removed nearby and covered with a plastic or wooden box. On top of the boxes in two layers, it is necessary to throw a synthetic insulation for the garden, for example, lutrasil. Do I need to sprinkle the plant with peat before covering?? No, not necessarily, as there is no need for hilling the roots. When there are a lot of flowers in the flower bed, they look simply bewitching, chic. Chrysanthemums can be bred in simple and affordable ways.
Even in late autumn, the plant can be divided for reproduction. In this case, unlike other plants, the transplant is only for the benefit of the chrysanthemum. This is partly facilitated by the capricious nature of flowers: longer than two or three years, chrysanthemums do not like to grow in one place. Chrysanthemum is an autumn flower, but loves sunlight very much. Their bright flowering is guaranteed, provided that the flower bed is under the rays of the sun for six hours a day.