A necessary property of basketball players is a confident jump and good serial jumping ability, which will allow the player to win the rebound for his team.
In order to increase the jump, you need to choose the right exercises and perform them regularly.
It is necessary to warm up, stretch the muscles and all joints to avoid injuries during exercise (easy running 3-5 minutes, jumping rope).
After a short warm-up and cross-country, it is necessary to jump on straight legs for a duration of 2-4 minutes without stopping, the interval between sets should be 1-2 minutes. The number of approaches the player chooses independently.
Then slowly crouch for 30 seconds and after the time has elapsed the player must sit completely, then also within 30 seconds the player must slowly rise. After this exercise, the player should feel a slight burning sensation in the calf muscles.
Burnout. The exercise must be performed in a half-squat on toes. It is necessary to tear off socks no more than 2-3 centimeters from the floor surface. It is important to exercise with speed. The faster the speed, the better the effect will be.
After burning out, let your muscles rest.
Rises on toes. In order to perform this exercise, you need to stand on any surface whose height is more than 20 centimeters and alternately perform lifts on one leg.
Step-ap. Exercise is performed with additional equipment. To do this, you need to choose a solid elevation and pushing up upwards with one foot change the supporting leg. The player selects the number of repetitions on the basis of his physical training.
Completely jumping. To do this, after each jump, you must completely squat and jump as high as possible.
After performing exercises, it is necessary not to immediately let the muscles cool. To do this, you can jump on a rope at a light pace or run a few circles on the gym.
The number of exercises and the time for their implementation the player must select himself based on his physical data. After 12 weeks of execution, the jump should increase by 20-30 centimeters. It is important not to stop loading your legs during the weekend. To do this, you need to jump on a rope or run around the crossed area. Also, for a more complete effect of increasing the jump, you can use various weights on the legs. For beginners, it is advised to use weights of no more than 1 kilogram, for more experienced players it is best to use 2 kilogram weights.