Life is complicated. It’s not always good or always bad. One is replaced by another, from year to year life goes on, accelerating its rhythm. When everything in life is good, everything goes well, this is happiness. But there are times when a black streak comes, which can not only unsettle you, but also drive you into a terrible depression. Sometimes it seems to us that we are strong, capable of giving a tough rebuff to any life trips, but in fact, everything can turn out to be much more complicated. If we ourselves experience failures, this is one thing, but it can be much harder to watch how our relatives and friends suffer, and just people who are not indifferent to us.
How to console a person
At such moments, I really want to console a person, turn his whole shoulder to him, listen to. But it’s not always easy in reality. Sometimes you don’t know how to approach, what to say and how to offer your support in general. Here, a big role is played by who you are related to this person, how close you communicate, what is the degree of his problem, and also how much you generally know how to console a person. Everyone’s situation is different, but there are a few tips that can be considered universal. If desired, they can be used in practice.
How to console a person
What to do first? Yeah, just touch a man. Some people think that this is not important, but in fact everything is much more serious. On a subconscious level, a person feels that they are well treated, emotionally worried and want to help. In fact, physical, tactile contact is very important for a person. You can not just touch, you can come up, hug, take by the hand. Sometimes it seems that this is a trifle, but in fact it will make it clear to a person in such a state that you are worried about him, you want to help and support.
How to console a person
At a time when a person feels oppressed, when he has trouble, God forbid, trouble, he needs to be given the opportunity to speak out. Perhaps a person wants to share their experiences, their pain. To do this, just offer to talk, share, but you should not insist, it can, on the contrary, close a person, discourage him from communicating. No need to speak in banal hackneyed phrases, such as “don’t be upset, it’s nothing”, “everything will be fine”, “this is nonsense”. No need to interrupt, if a person has already made contact, then let him speak out to the end.
How to console a person
In order to make a person feel better, sometimes you just need to throw out emotions. It happens to everyone in their own way. Some are laughing, others are crying, others may even start hysterical. The most important thing is to be restrained at this moment and give the person the opportunity to fully relax and throw out emotions. It is necessary that a person trusts, casts aside constraint, sees understanding in your eyes.
Offer your help. It may be impossible to help in this situation, but the person will understand that he is not alone.
Sometimes it just doesn’t work to comfort someone. This can lead to a tantrum. If such a state is of a rather long nature, for example, more than an hour, then this situation can become dangerous. In order to get a person out of this state, it is necessary to switch his attention. This can be done by asking simple questions. And the more ridiculous it sounds, the faster a person will switch. These may be questions such as: “What time of year is it now??”, “How many degrees of heat in the room?”, and t.d. But in fact, what happens to a person at this moment? Yes, it’s just that the brain begins to work, namely its left hemisphere, which is responsible for logical thinking. This thereby allows a person to gradually drown out emotional outbursts.
How to console a person
Even if you feel that the person himself is to blame for the current situation, you should not tell him about it. You should also not say that you also had something similar, give examples from personal practice. It cannot, but on the contrary, it will plunge a person into even greater depression.