Don’t forget to take your medication when you go on vacation. Taking care of health and wellness is up to us. Therefore, you need to properly pack a first aid kit on a trip.
What medicines do you need to take with you on vacation
It is simply impossible to foresee everything, and we know the basic set of medicines.
It is better to use already proven means.
The most important thing is to take the drugs that you always take, better with a margin. For example, Tamipul is a drug that helps with women’s pain.
When traveling, you have to move a lot on different modes of transport, so you also need funds from motion sickness. Count their number for round trips, excursions, boat trips. Even those who are not usually concerned can get sick.
One of the reasons for feeling unwell is acclimatization. Many hours of flight, a sharp change in climate, unfamiliar water and food – stress for the body. In such cases, immunomodulatory drugs can help you, but you need to start taking them even before the trip. Often with changes in weather and environment, herpes comes out. This virus is very insidious, it can stay in the body for a long time without showing itself, and in critical situations it will definitely strike. Therefore, anti-herpes drugs are needed.
For the stomach, remedies for dysbacteriosis are needed. You need to start taking them at least a few days before your trip. It happens that on vacation unusual food or large quantities of it lead to poisoning. Therefore, take care of adsorbents, antidiarrheal. Take a few packs of black or white coal. Grab the absorbent “Atoxil” – it helps with poisoning, and a remedy for an upset stomach or intestines: “Loperamide”. Medicines for overeating or for heaviness in the stomach – “Festal”, “Mezim”.
What medicines do you need to take with you on vacation
It is important to take allergy medication with you. Unfamiliar plants or food can immediately cause allergic reactions. Just buy new generation drugs that do not cause drowsiness.
It is worth taking care of cold medicines: for fever, cough or sore throat. They should be taken in a course, based on one person. Let’s say “Nimesil” – inexpensive, quickly helps, brings down the temperature and does not adversely affect the liver. For a sore throat, take “Decatilene” or the familiar and proven “Strepsils”.
Painkillers will also be useful. Pay attention to both simple pills, for example, “Spasmalgon”, and “ambulance” such as “Solpadein” or “Navigan”.
Take with you an ointment or gel for bruises and sprains, remedies for relieving fatigue or swelling in the legs, for pain in the joints – Movalis or Revmoxicam.
Do not forget to purchase dressings: bandage, cotton wool, plasters. And disinfectants: brilliant green, iodine, peroxide.
It would be nice to take a sedative. There are many different impressions and emotions on vacation. It can excite, interrupt sleep. Some unpleasant moments that happen while traveling can pretty much spoil your nerves, here a sedative will also be very helpful.
Vacation is often associated with the beach, the sun, the sea. That’s why you need sunscreen. Sunburn remedies will be useful.
Take insect repellent and those you may need after insect bites.
drink bottled water;
wash your hands;
at first, refrain from a very plentiful meal, sleep more and do not take excursions;
the first aid kit should be carefully assembled and well packed;
before putting medicines, make sure that their expiration date has not expired;
stow the supplies so that emergency supplies are on top of the first-aid kit.
If you are going to rest in Russia, then in addition to the necessary medicines, take a medical policy with you, it will provide you with free medical care.
What medicines do you need to take with you on vacation
If you go abroad, be sure to take out medical insurance, and don’t even think about illnesses!