The nature and causes of laziness can be different. This quality can be bestowed genetically, it can appear later due to mistakes in education. In any case, the lazy person is more of an innocent victim of circumstances than a negative character. And if you personally happened to live side by side with laziness, then you need to be prepared for its systematic attempts to assert yourself authoritarianly.
The words that laziness needs to be overcome in oneself carry an element of negative perception of one’s own Self. After all, if something needs to be won, then something needs to be fought. In the case under consideration, this is something – a part of your own personality, which you strive to make more perfect in some respects, more holistic and harmonious. What harmony can we talk about if there is an internal struggle? A person cannot and should not wage war against himself. You must not get rid of your laziness, but accept the fact of its existence as a given, moreover, make it your ally.
If you look around, you can see that lazy people are usually softer, more accommodating, tolerant of other people’s opinions. This already forces us to reconsider our attitude towards inner laziness.
You admitted that laziness is not a quality alien to you at all
You agree that you should not be ashamed and hide that you are a lazy person to a large extent
You want to manage your laziness, and not be led by it
If an affirmative answer is given on all points, then it is time to look for new rules for peaceful coexistence with your own laziness.
Rule 1: “Seek compromises”
Relationships with oneself are built on the same principles as other types of interpersonal relationships. And the search for compromises – the golden rule for a favorable joint stay of a certain group of individuals. Even if only you and your laziness are in such a group, the rule is not canceled. Negotiate with yourself. Example: “Yes, of course I really don’t feel like doing cleaning right now. But the need has come. So I’ll unpack and vacuum the carpets right now and clean the floors later after a little rest (watching an episode of my favorite sitcom, 30 minutes of online gaming, a mug of tea, calling a girlfriend, and similar “carrot”)”. It is likely that in the end you will complete the entire planned amount of work (including mopping) and even work overtime. Firstly, as you know, “the eyes are afraid, but the hands do”. Secondly, “appetite comes with eating”. And finally, the most positive moment. The lazy person, who at some point consciously overcame this feeling, subjugated it to himself, experiences an incredible surge of strength, which is powered by the realization of his power over his own destiny.
Rule 2: “No violence”
If you systematically force yourself to go against your nature, then sooner or later this very nature will rebel and decide to show “who is the boss in the house”. It is not a fact that the mind and consciousness will be able to overcome the resistance of the inner self. It’s better not to provoke him to extreme methods. Allow yourself to be lazy sometimes. Without any hanging whip. Laziness – for the sake of laziness, for the sake of the bliss of doing nothing, for the sake of rest, in the end. It is worth expecting that a good rest, without pricks of conscience and shame, will inspire you to new labor achievements
Rule 3: “Play with contrast”
If the “blissful doing nothing” is clearly dragging on, unfulfilled tasks accumulate exponentially, and the willpower to complete them is sorely lacking – remember your joy that you had a chance to experience when the last rush job was sorted out. And compare that jubilation with the present gloomy despondency. What’s better? What should you strive for?
Rule 4: “Be creative”
Remote controls, vacuum cleaners, washing machines and dishwashers – this and much more was invented by the lazy for the lazy. Direct your laziness in a creative direction. Lack of energy to perform routine tasks regularly? Automate processes, develop plans and diagrams, simplify and combine various parts of one process. Optimize what you don’t want to do but can’t do.
With a proper approach to your own qualities, which quite recently seemed to be a disadvantage to others and to you personally, you can turn them into your main trump cards.