Pumpkin is one of the healthiest vegetable crops. And in some suburban areas, pot-bellied orange sides cheerfully peep through dark green large leaves and light prickly lashes. Like slices of a giant tangerine lie here and there in the middle of the garden. In the old days in the villages and villages there was not a single family that would not grow this melon crop.
What varieties of pumpkins are
At that time, they did not particularly wonder about the benefits of pumpkin. She was simply grown for herself and for livestock. Steamed in the oven, with sugar and milk, it became honey and turned into a real delicacy. At that time, they didn’t know the variety of varieties either – in the spring they simply planted the collected seeds and waited for the harvest. Meanwhile, the pumpkin is different.
Three types of pumpkin are grown in the middle lane: large-fruited, hard-barked (ordinary) and nutmeg. Each of these species is divided into several varieties.
Varieties of a large-fruited species are always large, with fibrous loose pulp. They are the most unpretentious of all, easily adapting to any air temperature and soil characteristics. Among them stand out Winter Canteen, Gribovskaya Winter, Spanish and Marble.
The most popular of the large-fruited is the Winter Dining Room. It is sweet and can be eaten even raw, as a dessert. In general, large-fruited pumpkins are mid-ripening, but this variety is distinguished by its late ripening and cold resistance. The winter dining room retains its properties for almost a year.
Gribov’s winter squash ripens as late as Canteen, and lies just as well. This variety is able to ripen already during storage. The fruits of the Gribov winter pumpkin are spherical and slightly flattened. Their rind is light gray, not thick and soft, and the flesh is bright orange and juicy.
Marble pumpkin is also gray, but the shade is somewhat darker and slightly greenish. It is flat in shape and has carved edges. The marble variety is also different in that it is well stored.
What varieties of pumpkin are
Hard -crusted pumpkin grows and are in demand in the northern regions. The name of this species speaks for itself – the fruits are distinguished by a thick crust and rough pulp. Carving it is somewhat harder, but according to its data, this pumpkin is no worse than the rest. Its pulp is also useful, tasty and contains many minerals. In addition, this is an indispensable option for the edge with severe weather conditions.
What varieties of pumpkin are
Muscular pumpkin plants in a warmer climate, since they simply do not ripen in the cold. These are late -ripening, capricious varieties that are distinguished by a special taste. They are juicy, sweet even raw. Interception, vitamin and carotene – these are varieties of nutmeg. Vitamin pumpkin, for example, is very in demand. It can be distinguished by short, oval fruits of dark pink with an orange tint. On the skin there is a pattern in the form of a green grid, as well as light spots are observed. Vitamin pumpkin pulp is bright and crispy. At present, several varieties of Muscat species have already been bred, adapted to colder climates.
What varieties of pumpkins are
Gymnosperm oil pumpkin varieties are grown in Belarus. Her seeds seem to be devoid of shell and rich in oil. Its content in seeds is 48% and it has long been used in the food industry – oil is pressed from pumpkin seeds.
The fig-leaved pumpkin grows in the countries of Western Europe. It is somewhat different from the usual varieties, since its flesh is white (it does not contain carotene), and the seeds are black. The fig-leaved gourd is well stored, and it is actively used for food.
Decorative pumpkin is not good for food. She has another purpose – to decorate the front gardens. Bright flowers exude the smell of honey, and rich greens are pleasing to the eye. The fruits of decorative pumpkins of the most bizarre shapes and colors. These varieties are unpretentious and do not require special care.
Regardless of the variety, pumpkin is very useful. It is easy to digest, tasty and has a good effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to its neutral environment, it is able to treat stomach ulcers. Pumpkin contains a lot of carotene and folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on blood formation. And there are a lot of potassium salts, starch and pectin in the pumpkin, which absorb poisons and harmful compounds from the body.