Ceilings are of various types, differing from each other in materials, construction, installation and functional application. According to their design, ceilings are divided into two types: solid and modular.
Modular, suspended ceilings were called due to the fact that they are assembled from ready-made modules. These are mainly rails, panels and cassettes. In this regard, modular ceilings are divided into tiled, rack, panel and others. How do they differ?
Tiled suspended ceilings are mounted from square elements. In panel ceilings, instead of square ones, rectangular elements with a width of at least 300 mm are used.
Cassette ceilings are a cassette-type frame with standard cells where cassettes are inserted in the form of plates or panels.
Slatted suspended ceilings are based on straight rails installed crosswise.
Lattice suspended ceilings are assembled using ready-made lattice modules.
There is another type – solid suspended ceilings. They are also called frameless. Due to such ceilings, the ceiling surface becomes absolutely smooth and completely flat. These ceilings are different from modular. Their assembly is made from metal sheets, which are previously given the desired shape. Such false ceilings are quite easy and simply make the surface of the ceiling beautiful. They allow you to hide all engineering structures, electrical wiring, make additional lighting.
In principle, a suspended ceiling is a load-bearing system, which is a frame, suspensions and modules. Suspended carrier systems are divided into hidden, semi-hidden and visible.
The choice of the right type of suspension system depends strongly on our desire and on the visual effect that occurs after the installation of tiles or panels. Fully suspended ceiling will have a finished look after adding moldings.