In winter, many people prefer to get sick, complaining that they can no longer find seasonal vegetables and fruits in stores, and the greenhouse does more harm than real good. But many do not want to put up with this – they are looking for an opportunity to saturate their body with the necessary vitamins even in the winter cold. For example, many people buy persimmons in winter. That’s just whether it is useful and how many vitamins this fruit contains?
persimmon facts
Translated from Latin, persimmon means the food of the gods. Persimmon was originally a Chinese fruit. Only the Chinese for thousands of years could improve their health with the vitamins contained in persimmon, most recently the fruit migrated to Asia and Japan, then to the Caucasus and Europe.
What vitamins are in persimmon
To date, the most popular persimmon varieties are Japanese persimmon, chocolate persimmon “Korolek” and Caucasian tart varieties. It is worth noting that there are more than 500 varieties of persimmon in the world.
Composition of persimmon
A third of persimmon fruits are made up of sugar, so despite all the benefits, it is better for diabetics not to abuse persimmons. And so persimmon acts favorably on everyone, it can even be suitable for losing weight as a substitute for sweets. Of course, in this case, you still shouldn’t eat a lot of persimmons so as not to gain extra calories.
Persimmon contains vitamins B12, B3, B1, C, P. Carotene is also present, the content of which is easy to recognize due to the orange color of the fruit.
Of the carbohydrates in persimmon, there is fructose and glucose, but most of the composition falls on persimmon juice, it is useful for diseases of the mouth and throat. If the throat hurts, it should be gargled with persimmon juice, or just eat more of these delicious viscous fruits.
Even in persimmon there are many minerals, biologically active substances: sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, cobalt, nickel, iodine. It also contains a lot of tannins, so it is better not to use persimmons for those who suffer from constipation.
We got acquainted with the composition of persimmon, it’s time to learn about its versatility. So, as mentioned above, the color of the persimmon indicates a high content of carotene, a close precursor of vitamin A. For the eyes and lungs, carotene is very useful, in addition, it serves as a preventive measure for various eye diseases, helps to avoid pneumonia. Persimmon is often recommended to eat more often for people who smoke often.
What vitamins are in persimmon
High sugar content is harmful for diabetics, but not for cores. Sugar, which is found in large quantities in persimmon, strengthens blood vessels, nourishes the heart muscle, and normalizes the work of the heart.
Thanks to tannins, persimmon will help with diarrhea and loose stools. Persimmon also has a good diuretic effect – it serves as a good prevention of kidney disease, helps to avoid bladder stones.
Persimmon is useful for beriberi and anemia due to the presence of vitamin C and A in its composition. It strengthens the immune system, in the period of ARVI, you should definitely eat this tasty and healthy fruit. If it is already too late to prevent the disease, then remove the inflammation from the throat by rinsing with persimmon juice.
In cosmetology, persimmon is also used, namely for oily skin, enlarged pores, frequent acne. In order to get rid of these misfortunes, you need to make a persimmon mask: just mix the viscous pulp with egg yolk and apply to the skin of the face, hold for twenty minutes, then rinse. A few procedures will restore the sebaceous balance of the skin.
It is not surprising that the persimmon was called the “food of the gods” – it is useful to eat it both in summer and in winter! So do not pass by this real storehouse of vitamins in the market or in the store!